What to Look For in Chicken Diseases
By Suzie OConnor
Most medical conditions that affect backyard flock poultry affect the respiratory system of the animal. This particular system includes the air sacs of the body, the passages that permit the intake and outtake of air, as well as the lungs. If you keep chickens for your personal use, or for commercial purposes, it is important to understand that diseases respiratory based in the poultry are capable of spreading rapidly within a flock. Here, you will learn about five of the most common diseases, as well as chicken diseases symptoms so that you may appropriately identify health issues before they affect your entire backyard flock.
Infectious Bronchitis
Infectious Bronchitis is a diseases respiratory based in backyard flock chickens that is relatively common. This condition is also known as “Bronchitis” and a “Cold”. This disease is specific to chickens in particular when it comes to types of poultry. The infection may be mild to severe, depending on several circumstances such as the strength of the immunity of the bird, and other conditions present in the environment in which the chicken is located. Chicken diseases symptoms that are present when it comes to this particular illness include, but are not limited to:
Avian Influenza
Many chicken owners have discovered that the chickens in their flocks come down with a condition which is called “Avian Influenza”. This is also known as the “Fowl Plague”, and the “Flu”. While any type of bird may acquire this illness, chicken owners should be concerned because of the fact that it can spread rapidly through flocks. There are many ways that this condition can be transmitted from one chicken to another, making it a large concern when it comes to diseases respiratory in home flocks. These methods include contamination by shoes that can carry it from one location to another, insects, rodents, and even equipment used in chicken coops and the basic care of chickens. Chicken diseases symptoms may include any or all of the following:
Mycoplasma Gallisepticum
Mycoplasma Gallisepticum or “Chronic Respiratory Disease” is a diseases respiratory that many chickens may be affected by. Many may also refer to this illness as “Mycoplasmosis” or “Infectious Sinusitis”. While poultry such as turkeys and ducks may be affected by this condition, backyard flock chickens are commonly affected as well. Chicken diseases symptoms present with this diseases respiratory include:
Fowl Pox
Fowl Pox is another common chicken disease found in backyard flocks. This is known by many names, such as “Chicken Pox” (Not the same as the human version), “Bird Pox”, and “Avian Diphtheria”. When poultry suffers from this diseases respiratory, there are many chicken diseases symptoms present, such as:
Infectious Coryza
Infectious Coryza is often called “Cold” or “Roup”. Many refer to this diseases respiratory as “Coryza”. This is extremely common among backyard flocks of chickens. Chicken diseases symptoms include many of the following:
As you can see, there are many common diseases that affect chickens kept in backyard flocks. All of the diseases here are considered to be diseases respiratory. If you want to ensure the health of your backyard flock, it is important to learn about the conditions as well as chicken diseases symptoms. Here, you have been introduced to the five most common diseases. For further information, you may research your local library or ask your vet.
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